iSHANG Decentralized Solution : Web3 Voting
From the Strategic Partnership of IMX Expo & iSHANG
Miss IMX 2023
Successfully held on from December 14-17, 2023
Congratulations to all Winners!
How iSHANG helps?
iSHANG’S Web 3 Voting System
Real-time transparency, Openness & Fairness
The iSHANG Web 3 voting system solution offers a high level of transparency with real-time data,
allowing users to track their voting records on the blockchain
and display them instantly on the leaderboard. The benefits include:
Web3 Voting - Miss IMX Contest 2023
Voting Packages
Fans can show their support for their favorite Miss IMX models by choosing from
3 Exclusive voting packages, each offering different levels of support.

4 Promotion Campaigns

1. Free Gift for Voting (Car Aromatherapy)
Fans would receive a Free Souvenir from iSHANG for any voting package
In order to Boost Voting rate of Miss IMX contest 2023
1. Free Gift for Voting (Car Aromatherapy)
Fans would receive a Free Souvenir from iSHANG for any voting package
In order to Boost Voting rate of Miss IMX contest 2023

2. Handheld Fans with QR Codes
Customized handheld fan with unique QR code for every model to let supporters scan & vote in a more convenient way
Treated as memorable souvenirs for supporters

3. Online Marketing - Social Media
Persuade Voting rate by posting in different social media
3. Online Marketing - Social Media
Persuade Voting rate by posting in different social media

4. Flyers & Videos in venue
We are glad that IMXpo locates the Flyers & Souvenirs at Information Counter during event which persuaded many visitors to vote & follow our social media
3 screens especially displayed Web 3 Voting information in IMXpo 2023 venue

Miss IMX 2023
14 Miss IMX Models

我叫Harmony,性格比較慢熱,唔出聲嘅時候都以為我好高竇,其實我最鍾意同靚女打成一片。 興趣係跳鋼管舞、打王者,今次係我第一次參加,希望大家會支持我俾咁多機會我見到大家。


Hello我係Kippy紫瑜,性格活潑好動坐唔定,見我擁有一身健康膚色就知我鍾意戶外活動啦,平時最鍾意挑戰難度 ! 所以都有玩唔同嘅極限運動,例如滑水、滑雪等,同時我亦都係一位調香師,經常調製同研究香水。

我係Makiyo,不了解我的人會覺得我高冷、難接近。了解我的人就會知道我幽默、愛笑。 我最大的樂趣就是帶歡樂比身邊嘅朋友,雖然愛開玩笑但偶爾都會認真唱唱歌,希望你會成為個位了解我另一面嘅朋友啦。


大家好 ~ 我係梁小恩 !好高興今次參加到Miss IMX比賽 我本身係一個樂天嘅人 所以平時好鐘意笑 今次比賽希望大家會比我嘅笑容留下深刻印象 從而投我一票啦。
About IMX 2023
Participating Auto & Fete two wheels brands

Floor Plan & Booth Demonstration


Company Background

IMXpo sets to Be a platform connecting the world’s best builders, finest brands, and the most admired designers with modish individuals under the theme “Mobility+”.
It is also a platform that connects opportunities for future mobility with potential customers, investors, and partners around the world. At IMXpo the story begins with a Designers’ Zone, where the most prestigious auto builders will be put under one roof.
By bringing together fascinating international motor brands, the latest auto technologies, as well as a cluster of chic and classy elements, IMXpo is an opportunity that cannot be missed for brands to enhance images, cultivate future clients, and boost sales.
Company Goals
Be Hong Kong’s largest mobility-themed expo & iconic annual event
Provide a Brand-new platform for brand promotion, sales, business matching, and investment in the automotive industry
Promote Public awareness of future mobility (including electric vehicles, other mobility driving technologies, smart cities, etc.)
Connect the Classic and modern automotive worlds, and promote local car culture
Promote Youth innovation and creativity via the theme of “Mobility+”

Be Hong Kong’s largest mobility-themed expo & iconic annual event
Provide a Brand-new platform for brand promotion, sales, business matching, and investment in the automotive industry
Promote Public awareness of future mobility (including electric vehicles, other mobility driving technologies, smart cities, etc.)
Connect the Classic and modern automotive worlds, and promote local car culture
Promote Youth innovation and creativity via the theme of “Mobility+”